Healthy Valentine Ideas
Valentines Day is truly one of my favorite holidays. I love its simplicity, its acts of random kindness, and its beauty. But, the one...
Tame that Sweet Tooth!
Yesterday, the U.S. Surgeon General recommended that Americans cut down on their sugar intake. The average American consumes 47 pounds...
8 Tips to Stay Healthy over the Holidays
“It’s beginning to look (and taste, and smell, and feel) a lot like Christmas!” It’s that time of year when we tend to eat too much,...
Obesity is the 2nd Leading Cause of Preventable Death in America
Did you know that obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in America, second only to smoking? Obesity contributes to as...
A Walk A Day...Keeps the Doctor Away
Today, the U.S. Surgeon General made a call to action on walking. He says that in light of the obesity epidemic, more Americans need...
The Season of Apples!
As we say goodbye to the berries and melons of summer, we can look forward to the delicious season of apples. One of my very favorite...